Single-Cylinder Turbo
This research aimed at developing a novel method for turbocharging single-cylinder four-stroke internal combustion engines to create a more compact, fuel efficient and lower cost power source for small-scale farmers in India. Turbocharging uses energy from an engine’s exhaust to compress the intake air, allowing the engine to combust more fuel. Due to the pulsating nature of flow, this technology is not currently used in single cylinder engines. We have built a new style of manifold that buffers the air flow. This method has been validated through both experiments and computational models.
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
A Method for Turbocharging Single-Cylinder, Four-Stroke Engines
Buchman, M., Ramanujan, D., & Winter, A., SAE International Journal of Engines (2018) || download
Peer-Reviewed Conference Articles
Analyzing the Effect of Air Capacitor Turbocharging Single Cylinder Engines on Fuel Economy and Emissions Through Modeling and Experimentation.
Buchman, M., Johnson, W.B., Winter V, A.G., Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Advanced Vehicle Technologies, ASME IDETC/CIE, (2018) Quebec City, Quebec, Canada
Investigating the Effect of Intake Manifold Size on the Transient Response of Single Cylinder Turbocharged Engines
Buchman, M., & Winter, A., 13th International Conference on Engines and Vehicles (2017), SAE Technical Paper 2017-24-0170
Validating a method for turbocharding single cylinder fourstroke engines
Buchman, M., & Winter, A., 18th International Conference on Advanced Vehicle Technologies ASME IDETC/CIE (2016)
Method for Turbocharging Single Cylinder Four Stroke Engines
Buchman, M., & Winter, A., ASME IDETC/CIE (2014)