Peer-Reviewed Conference Articles



Innovating Emitter Inlet Design for Enhanced Clog Resistance and Longevity in Drip Irrigation Systems
Huynh, C., Molina De Jesus, A., Sams, S., Weizer, B., Zaza, N., Ghodgaonkar, A., Judge, B., Winter V, A.G., ASME IDETC/CIE, Washington D.C., USA

Techo-Economic Outlooks for the Operation of Zero-Emission Heavy-Duty Trucks: Their Implications on Fleet Operators, Cargo Shippers, and Vehicle Designers
Liang, Z., DuPont, B., Winter V, A.G., ASME IDETC/CIE, Washington D.C., USA

Designing a Tractor for Small Farms in Resource Constrained Communities
Goldbach, C., Velez, A., Kleiner, T., Kapoor, S., Singh, N.P, Winter V, A.G., ASME IDETC/CIE, Washington D.C., USA

Water Savings and User-Centered Validation of an Automatic Scheduling-Manual Operation (AS-MO) Irrigation Tool: A Case Study on a Jordanian Farm
Van de Zande, G., Sheline, C., Pratt, S., Winter V, A.G., ASME IDETC/CIE, Washington D.C., USA

Long Term Performance Analysis of an Experimental Sliding Vane Energy Recovery Device for Village Scale Reverse Osmosis
Welsh, E., Costello, J., Winter V, A.G., ASME IDETC/CIE, Washington D.C., USA

Design of a Mass-Manufacturable Passive Prosthetic Foot
Geil, A., Irani, U., Reddie, M., Shorter, A., Winter V, A.G., ASME IDETC/CIE, Washington D.C., USA

Recycling Automotive Shredder Residue: A Techo-Economic Analysis
Chapman, L., Velez, A., English, A., Gavilanes, M., Huynh, H., Welsh, E., Winter V, A.G., ASME IDETC/CIE, Washington D.C., USA

Semi-batch reverse osmosis for home-scale desalination
Bessette, J., EUROMED 2024, Desalination for Clean Water and Energy, Sharm el Sheikh, Egypt




An Empirical, Deterministic Design Theory for Compact Drip Emitter Labyrinths
Ghodgaonkar, A., Welsh, E., Judge, B., Bono, M., Winter V, A.G. ASME IDETC/CIE, Boston, Massachusetts, USA

Lab-to-Market Design of an Electrodialysis-Based Home-Scale Water Desalination System
Floryan, M., Bowers, Q., Sternberg, Z., Gembali, S., Goyal, A., Bessette, J., Honarparvar, S., Winter V, A.G. ASME IDETC/CIE, Boston, Massachusetts, USA

Feasibility of Small-Scale, Off-Grid Desalination in the Navajo Nation
Brei, M., Winter V, A.G. ASME IDETC/CIE, Boston, Massachusetts, USA

Achieving High Performance and Low Cost: Development of a High-Performing Passive Prosthetic Knee for Emerging Market
Reddie, M., Bedi, S., Vaidya, M., Griffen, A., Petelina, N., Winter V, A.G. ASME IDETC/CIE, Boston, Massachusetts, USA

Design and Evaluation of an Automatic Scheduling-Manual Operation tool to Bring Precision Irrigation to Resource-Constrained Farmers
Van de Zande, G.D., Sheline, C., Amrose, S., Costello, J., Ghodgaonkar, A., Grant, F., Winter V, A.G. ASME IDETC/CIE, Boston, Massachusetts, USA

Proposed Design for Electromechanical Telescoping Actuator to Replace Hydraulics in Extreme High Force and Long Stroke Applications
Crawford, C., Smyk, M., Cheung, S., Coughran, D., Costello, J., Liang, Z., Winter V, A.G. ASME IDETC/CIE, Boston, Massachusetts, USA

Design and Validation of a Modular Device to Convert Off-the-Shelf Leaf Blowers to Fish Feed Distribution Systems for Use in Aquaculture Farms in Ghana

Sagar, P., Irani, U., Tagoe, J., Khaguli, S., Ghodgaonkar, A., Winter V, A.G. ASME IDETC/CIE, Boston, Massachusetts, USA

Experimental Validation of Hip Trajectory Error Feet for Knee Amputees
Petelina, N., Shorter, A.L., Tutuianu, M., Winter V, A.G. Dynamic Walking Conference, Munich, Germany

Design of a Mass-Manufacturable, Globally Distributable Passive Prosthetic Foot
Irani, U., Winter V, A.G., Dynamic Walking Conference, Munich, Germany

Perception of Typical Walking for Understanding Prosthetic Leg Design User Requirements
Shorter, A.L., Petelina, N., Winter V, A.G., Dynamic Walking Conference, Munich, Germany.

Semi-Batch Electrodialysis Reversal: A Simplified Architecture and Control Method for Flexible, Low-Cost, Off-Grid Desalination
Bessette, J., Pratt, S., Tran, J., Costello, J., Winter V, A.G., European Desalination Society, Desalination for the Environment, Clean Water, and Energy, Cyprus.

Co-Design of an Off-Grid, Community Desalination System in the Navajo Nation
Brei, M., Tran, J., Costello, J., Winter V, A.G., European Desalination Society, Desalination for the Environment, Clean Water, and Energy, Cyprus.




Design of commercially viable, personalized passive prosthetic feet
Folinus, C. M. and Winter, A. G. World Congress of Biomechanics, Taipei, Taiwan.

Design of customizable, high performance, and rapidly providable passive prosthetic feet
Folinus, C. M. and Winter, A. G. 17th Annual Dynamic Walking Conference, Madison, Wisconsin, USA.

Evaluating the potential for a novel irrigation system controller to be adopted by medium-scale contract farmers in East Africa
Van de Zande, G.D., Sheline, C., and Winter V, A.G. ASME IDETC/CIE, St. Louis, USA.

The Need for Desalination in Humanitarian Crises
Bessette, J., and Winter, A. ASME IDETC/CIE, St. Louis, USA.

Robust Control and Experimental Validation of a Direct Drive Photovoltaic Electrodialysis Desalination System
Bessette, J., Pratt, S.R. and Winter, A.G. International Desalination Association, World Congress on Charting Resilient Water Solutions, Sydney.




Multi-Keel Passive Prosthetic Foot Design Optimization Using the Lower Leg Trajectory Error Framework
Prost, V, Peterson, HV, & Winter, AG, V. ASME/IDETC: 45th Mechanisms and Robotics Conference (2021) Virtual

Design of Customized, 3D Printed Prosthetic Feet using the Lower Leg Trajectory Error Metric
Folinus, C. M. and Winter, A.G. 18th World Congress of the International Society of Prosthetics and Orthotics (2021)

Experimental Investigation of Passive Prosthetic Feet Designed for Multiple Walking Activities using the Lower Leg Trajectory Error Methodology
Folinus, C. M., Prost, V., and Winter, A. G. 16th Annual Dynamic Walking Conference (2021). Virtual.

Development and validation of a fully analytical model for designing pressure-compensating flow devices for drip irrigation and other applications
Ghodgaonkar, A., Sokol, J. and Winter, A.G. Bulletin of the American Physical Society (2021). Phoenix, Arizona

Effects of Temporal Parameters of Pulsed Electric Field Operation on Desalination Performance and Water Dissociation in Electrodialysis
Honarparvar, S., Al-Rashed, R., and Winter, A. AIChE Annual Meeting (2021). Boston, MA.

Machine Learning Method for Forecasting Weather Needed For Crop Water Demand Estimations in Low-Resource Settings Using A Case Study in Morocco
Sheline, C. and Winter, A. ASME IDETC/CIE, (2021) Virtual.




Design of a Human-Powered Roll Stabilization Attachment for Utilitarian Two-Wheeled Vehicles.
Diaz Lankenau, G.F., Daigle, L., Ihns, S.H., Koch, E., Saadi, J., Tornes, P., Wu, J.M., and Winter V, A.G., Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Advanced Vehicle Technologies, ASME IDETC/CIE, (2019) Anaheim, California.

Design of an Electric Motor Transmission System Without Friction Synchronization.
Alowayed, A., Fernandes, D., Jeunehomme, E., Liu, S., Wang, Z., Yang, I., Dorsch, D., and Winter V, A.G., International Power Transmission and Gearing Conference, ASME IDETC/CIE, (2019) Anaheim, California.

Feasibility of Pairing a Low-Cost Positive Displacement Pump with Low-Energy Pressure Compensating Drip Irrigation Emitters for Smallholder Farms in Africa.
Engelkemier, S., Grant, F., Landis, J., Sheline, C., Varner, H., Zubajlo, R., Sokol, J., Winter, A., ASME. IDETC/CIE, (2019) Engineering for Global Development. Paper #IDETC2019-98128




DEM Study of Clogging in Millimeter Scale Channels in Drip Irrigation Emitters.
Narain, J., Winter V, A.G., 71st Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society’s Division of Fluid Dynamics, (2018) Atlanta, GA.

Preliminary Field Test Results from a Photovoltaic Electrodialysis Brackish Water Desalination System in Rural India.
He W., Wright N.C., Amrose S., Buonassi T., Peters I.M., Winter V A.G., Proceedings of the 44th Design Automation Conference (DAC), ASME IDETC/CIE, (2018) Quebec City, Quebec, Canada

A Hybrid Computational and Analytical Model of Inline Drip Emitters.
Narain, J., Winter V, A.G., Proceedings of the 44th Design Automation Conference (DAC), ASME IDETC/CIE, (2018) Quebec City, Quebec, Canada

An Engineering Review of the Farm Tractor’s Evolution to a Dominant Design.
Diaz Lankenau, G.F., Winter V, A.G., Proceedings of the 44th Design Automation Conference (DAC), ASME IDETC/CIE, (2018) Quebec City, Quebec, Canada

Analyzing the Effect of Air Capacitor Turbocharging Single Cylinder Engines on Fuel Economy and Emissions Through Modeling and Experimentation.
Buchman, M., Johnson, W.B., Winter V, A.G., Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Advanced Vehicle Technologies, ASME IDETC/CIE, (2018) Quebec City, Quebec, Canada

Engine Mount Design Strategies to Mitigate Linear Vibrations in a Tata Nano.
Phadnis, V., Harris, J., Ding, S., Arambula, C., Collins, B., Jeunnette, M., Winter V, A.G., Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Advanced Vehicle Technologies, ASME IDETC/CIE, (2018) Quebec City, Quebec, Canada

Design of a Passive, Shear-Based Rotary Hydraulic Damper for Single-Axis Prosthetic Knees.
Arelekatti, V.N.M., Petelina, N.T., Johnson, W.B., Major, M.J., Winter V, A.G., Proceedings of the 42nd Mechanisms and Robotics Conference (MR), ASME IDETC/CIE, (2018) Quebec City, Quebec, Canada

Experimental Setup to Characterize Shift Time for High Performance Hybrid Transmissions.
Dorsch, D.S., Carrus, J., Wallach, M., Xu, Z., Xu, D., Dokras, N., Marquart, T., Winter, A., Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Advanced Vehicle Technologies, ASME IDETC/CIE, (2018) Quebec City, Quebec, Canada

Development of a system model for low-cost, solar-powered drip irrigation systems in the MENA region.
Sokol, J., Grant, F., Sheline, C., Winter, A., Proceedings of the 44th Design Automation Conference (DAC), ASME IDETC/CIE, (2018) Quebec City, Quebec, Canada

Designing and Testing Low-Cost, Single-Part Energy Storage and Return Prosthetic Feet Using the Lower Leg Trajectory Error Framework.
Winter, A., Prost V., Dynamic Walking Conference, (2018) Pensacola, FL




Optimal Design of a Batch Electrodialysis System for Domestic Desalination
Shah, S.R., Wright, N.C., Nepsky, P., & Winter, A., Proceedings of the International Desalination Association World Congress on Water Reuse and Desalination (2017), IDA17WC-58064, Sau Paulo, Brazil

Model and Experimental Validation of a Spiral-Wound Electrodialysis Module
Wright, N.C., & Winter, A., Proceedings of the International Desalination Association World Congress on Water Reuse and Desalination (2017), IDA17WC-57872, Sau Paulo, Brazil

Sustainability Analysis of PV-Powered Electrodialysis Desalination for Safe Drinking Water in the Gaza Strip
Ramanujan D., Wright, N. C., Truffaut S., von Medeazza G., & Winter, A., Proceedings of the International Desalination Association World Congress on Water Reuse and Desalination (2017), IDA17WC-58045, Sau Paulo, Brazil

Cost-Optimization of Solar-Powered Electrodialysis Reversal Systems for Desalination in Rural India
Bian, D., Watson, S.M., Wright, N.C., Shah, S., Peters, I. M., Ramanujan, D., Buonassisi T., & Winter, A., Proceedings of the International Desalination Association World Congress on Water Reuse and Desalination (2017), IDA17WC-58067, Sau Paulo, Brazil

Investigating the Effect of Intake Manifold Size on the Transient Response of Single Cylinder Turbocharged Engines
Buchman, M., & Winter, A., 13th International Conference on Engines and Vehicles (2017), SAE Technical Paper 2017-24-0170

Village-Scale Electrodialysis Desalination: Field Trial Validation
Wright, N.C., & Winter, A., Design Automation Conference ASME IDETC/CIE (2017)

Design and Testing of a Prosthetic Foot Prototype with Interchangeable Custom Rotational Springs to Adjust Ankle Stiffness for Evaluating Lower Leg Trajectory Error, an Optimization Metric for Prosthetic Feet
Prost, V., Olesnavage, K.M., & Winter, A., 41st Mechanisms and Robotics Conference ASME IDETC/CIE (2017)

Development of a Passive and Slope Adaptable Prosthetic Foot
Amiot, D.E., Schmidt, R.M., Law, A., Meinig, E.P., Yu, L., Olesnavage, K.M., Prost, V., & Winter, A., 41st Mechanisms and Robotics Conference ASME IDETC/CIE (2017)

Passive Prosthetic Foot Shape and Size Optimization Using Lower Leg Trajectory Error
Olesnavage, K.M., & Winter, A., 41st Mechanisms and Robotics Conference ASME IDETC/CIE (2017)

Modular Design of a Passive, Low-Cost Prosthetic Knee Mechanism to Enable Able-Bodied Kinematics for Users with Transfemoral Amputation
Arelekatti, V.N.M., Joh, Y., Warner, J.C., Berringer, M.A., Boehmcke, P.J., Fischman, J.Z., Huang, A.Y., Major, M., & Winter, A., 41st Mechanisms and Robotics Conference ASME IDETC/CIE (2017)

Determination of Resistance Factor for Tortuos Paths in Drip Emitters
Narain, J., & Winter, A., 43rd Design Automation Conference ASME IDETC/CIE (2017)

Design of an Integrated Cotton-Picking System for Small-Scale Indian Agriculture
Bautista, B.N., Diaz Lankenau, G.F., Guitron, S.P., Jennings, B.D., Nechlani, R., Tang, A.S., Tucker, M.R., & Winter, A., 22nd Design for Manufacturing and the Life Cycle Conference; 11th International Conference on Micro- and Nanosystems ASME IDETC/CIE (2017)




Feasibility of a Clutchless Dual-Shaft Hybrid Transmission System for Performance Applications
Shah, S., Prost, V., Eubanks, Z., Reiter, P., Bondarchuk, D., Hua, Y., Dorsch, D. & Winter, A., 18th International Conference on Advanced Vehicle Technologies ASME IDETC/CIE (2016)

Designing a Low Activation Pressure Drip Irrigation Emitter with Constraints for Mass Manufacturing
Shamshery, P., & Winter, A., 21st Design for Manufacturing and the Life Cycle Conference ASME IDETC/CIE (2016)

Validating a method for turbocharding single cylinder fourstroke engines
Buchman, M., & Winter, A., 18th International Conference on Advanced Vehicle Technologies ASME IDETC/CIE (2016)

Design and Preliminary Testing of a Prototype for Evaluating Lower Leg Trajectory Error as an Optimization Metric for Prosthetic Feet
Olesnavage, K., & Winter, A., 40th Mechanisms and Robotics Conference ASME IDETC/CIE (2016)




Lower Leg Trajectory Error: A Novel Optimization Parameter for Designing Passive Prosthetic Feet
Olesnavage, K., & Winter, A., 14th International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics, IEEE/RAS-EMBS ICORR (2015)

Design and Qualitative Testing of a Prosthetic Foot with Rotational Ankle and Metatarsal Joints to Mimic Physiological Roll-Over Shape
Olesnavage, K., & Winter, A., 39th Mechanisms and Robotics Conference ASME IDETC/CIE (2015)

Design of a fully passive prosthetic knee mechanism for transfemoral amputees in India.
Arelekatti, V. N. M., & Winter, A., IEEE International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics (2015)

Design of Mechanism and Preliminary Field Validation of Low-Cost, Passive Prosthetic Knee for Users with Transfemoral Amputation in India
Arelekatti, V. N. M., & Winter, A., ASME IDETC/CIE (2015)

A Mathematical Model for Pressure Compensating Emitters
Taylor, K., Shamshery, P., & Winter, A., ASME IDETC/CIE (2015)

Feasibility Study of an Electrodialysis System for In-Home Water Desalination and Purification in Urban India.
Nayar, K. G., Sundararaman, P., Schacheri, J. D., Connor, C. L. O., Heath, M. L., Wright, N. C., & Winter, A., ASME IDETC/CIE (2015)

Design of a Village-Scale PV Powered Electrodialysis Reversal System for Brackish Water Desalination in India 
Wright, N.C., Van de Zande, G.D., & Winter, A., The International Desalination Association World Congress on Desalination and Water Reuse (2015)

Low Vision System for Rapid Near-and Far-Field Magnification Switching
Ambrogi, N. Dias-Carlson Jr., R., Gantner, K., Gururaj, A., Hanumara, N., Narain, Zielske, I., Satgunam, P., Bagga, D., Gothwal, V. & Winter, A., IEEE 37th Annual International Conference of the Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC) (2015)

A Theoretical Investigation of the Critical Timescales Needed for Digging in Dry Soil Using a Biomimetic Burroiwing Robot
Isava, M. & Winter, A., 39th Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, ASME IDETC/CIE (2015)

Design of a Biologically Inspired Underwater Burrowing Robot that Utilizes Localized Fluidization
Dorsch, D.S., & Winter, A., 39th Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, ASME IDETC/CIE (2015)

Design of a Clutch-Less Hybrid Transmission for a High-Performance Vehicle
Jurewicz, J., Pamanes, G., Jo, Y.S., Yen, P.X.T., Siegel, J.E., Jacoby, C.L., Dorsch, D., & Winter, A., Power Transmission and Gearing Conference, ASME IDETC/CIE (2015)

Feasibility Study of an Electrodialysis for In-Home Water Desalination and Purification in Urban India
Nayar, K.G., Sundararaman, P., Scharcherl, J.D., O'Connor, C.L., Heath, M.L., Gabriel, M.O., Wright, N.C., & Winter, A., 41st Design Automation Conference, ASME IDETC/CIE (2015)

Applying Fishbein's Multi-Attribute Attitude Model to the Tata Swach Water Purifier
Ricks, S., & Winter, A., 20th International Conference on Engineering Design (2015)




Analysis of Rollover Shape and Energy Storage and Return in Cantilever Beam-Type Prosthetic Feet
Olesnavage, K., & Winter, A., 38th Mechanisms and Robotics Conference ASME IDETC/CIE (2014)

Effects of Prosthesis Mass on Hip Energetics, Prosthetic Knee Torque, and Prosthetic Knee Stiffness and Damping Parameters Required for Transfemoral Amputees to Walk With Normative Kinematics
Narang, Y., Arelekatti, V. N. M., & Winter, A., ASME IDETC/CIE (2014)

Energetic and Socioeconomic Justification for Solar-Powered Desalination Technology for Rural Indian Villages
Wright, N.C., & Winter, A., ASME IDETC/CIE (2014)

A Novel Pressure Compensating Valve for Low-Cost Drip Irrigation
Wiens, J., & Winter, A., 38th Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, ASME IDETC (2014)

Method for Turbocharging Single Cylinder Four Stroke Engines
Buchman, M., & Winter, A., ASME IDETC/CIE (2014)

Proof-of-Concept Evaluation of a Low-Cost and Low-Weight Tractor for Small-Scale Farms
Arelekatti, V. N. M., Björkdal, D., Graves, C., Wong, A., Mkrtchyan, A., & Winter, A., ASME IDETC/CIE (2014)

Design of a Low Energy, Self Contained Subsea Burrowing Robot Based on Localized Fluidization Exhibited by Atlantic Razor Clams
Dorsch, D.S., & Winter, A., 38th Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, ASME IDETC/CIE (2014)

Design and Testing of a Low-Cost and Low-Maintenance Drip Irrigation Filtration System for Micro-Irrigation in Developing Countries
Greenlee, A., Murray, T., Lesniewski, V., Jeunnette, M., & Winter, A., 19th Design for Manufacturing and the Life Cycle Conference, ASME IDETC/CIE (2014)

Development of a Design Tool for Flow Rate Optimization in the Tata Swach Water Filter
Ricks, S.T., Lewandowski, J.R., Lim, E.G., Wendell, D.M., & Winter, A., 40th Design Automation Conference, ASME IDETC/CIE (2014)

Technical and Socioeconomic Justification for Photovoltaic Powered Electrodialysis Desalination for Rural Indian Villages
Wright, N.C., & Winter, A., Conference and Exhibition on Desalization for the Environment Clean Water and Clean Energy, Cyprus (2014)

Effects of Above-Knee Prosthesis Mass on Optimal Stiffness and Damping Parameters of Prosthetic Knees
Narang, Y., & Winter, A., 7th World Congress of Biomechanics, Poster (2014)

Mimicking Physiological Rollover Shape in a Prosthetic Foot with a Single Degree-of-Freedom Ankle Joint
Olesnavage, K., & Winter, A., 7th World Congress of Biomechanics, Poster (2014)

Balancing Depth and Breadth while Experimentally Validating Medical Technologies for Developing and Emerging Markets
Narang, Y., Olesnavage, K., & Winter, A., 2014 Tech4Dev International Conference, UNESCO Chair in Technologies for Development: What is Essential? Switzerland (2014)




Bio-Inspired, Low-Cost, Self-Regulating Valves for Drip Irrigation in Developing Countries
Zimoch, P., Tixier, E., Joshi, A., Hosoi, A.E., & Winter, A., 25th International Conference on Design Theory and Methodology, ASME IDETC/CIE (2013)

Stakeholder and Constraint-Driven Innovation of a Novel, Lever-Propelled, All-Terrain Wheelchair
Winter, A., 25th International Conference on Design Theory and Methodology, ASME IDETC/CIE (2013)

Critical Timescales for Burrowing in Undersea Substrates via Localized Fluidization, Demonstrated by RoboClam: A Robot Inspired by Atlantic Razor Clams
Winter V, A.G., Deits, R.L.H., & Dorsch, D.S., 37th Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, ASME IDETC/CIE (2013)

User-Centered Design of Agricultural Waste Charcoal Cooking Fuel for Developing Countries
Banzaert, A., & Winter, A., 18th Design for Manufacturing and the Life Cycle Conference, ASME IDETC/CIE (2013)

The Tata Center for Technology and Design at MIT
Winter V, A.G., Stoner, R., & Fine, C. , The International Forum, American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference (2013)




Stakeholder-Driven Design Evolution of the Leveraged Freedom Chair Developing World Wheelchair
Winter V, A.G., Bollini, M.A., Judge, B.M., Scolnik, N.K., O’Hanley, H.F., Dorsch, D.S., Mukherjee, S., & Frey, D., ASME IMECE (2012)

Design of a Low-Cost Autoclave for Developing World Health Clinics
Tao, G.D., Cho, H.S., Frey, D., & Winter, A., 9th International Conference on Design Education, ASME IDETC/CIE (2012)




Teaching RoboClam to Dig: The Design, Testing, and Genetic Algorithm Optimization of a Biomimetic Robot
Winter V, A.G., Deits, R.L.H., Dorsch, D.S., Hosoi, A.E., & Slocum, A., IEEE IROS (2010)

The Design, Fabrication, and Performance of the East African Trial Leveraged Freedom Chair
Winter V, A.G, Bollini, M.A., DeLatte, D.H., Judge, B.M., O’Hanley, H.F., Pearlman, J.L., & Scolnik, N.K., 15th Design for Manufacturing and the Lifecycle Conference, ASME IDETC (2010)

Multi-Substrate Burrowing Performance and Constitutive Modeling of RoboClam: a Biomimetic Robot Based on Razor Clams
Winter V, A.G., Deits, R.L.H., Dorsch, D.S., Hosoi, A.E., & Slocum, A., 34th Annual Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, ASME IDETC (2010)




The Design and Testing of a Low-Cost, Globally- Manufacturable, Multi-Speed Mobility Aid Designed for use on Varied Terrain in Developing and Developed Countries
Winter V, A.G., Bollini, M.A., DeLatte, D.H., O’Hanley, H.F., & Scolnik, N.K., 28th Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, ASME IDETC (2009)

The Design and Testing of RoboClam: A Machine used to Investigate and Optimize Razor Clam-Inspired Burrowing Mechanisms for Engineering Applications
Winter V, A.G., Hosoi, A.E., Slocum, A.H., & Deits, R.L.H., 33rd Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, ASME IDETC (2009)