Hybrid Transmission
Our group developed a lightweight clutch-less hybrid transmission to improve performance and efficiency of hybrid cars.
Many high performance automobiles are adding electric motors for performance enhancement. The goal of this research to create a hybrid architecture that eliminates the clutch and replaces the functionality of the clutch with electric motors. We seek to maintain or improve performance of current high performance hybrids while improving efficiency.
Peer-Reviewed Conference Articles
Design of an Electric Motor Transmission System Without Friction Synchronization.
Alowayed, A., Fernandes, D., Jeunehomme, E., Liu, S., Wang, Z., Yang, I., Dorsch, D., and Winter V, A.G., International Power Transmission and Gearing Conference, ASME IDETC/CIE, (2019) Anaheim, California.
Experimental Setup to Characterize Shift Time for High Performance Hybrid Transmissions.
Dorsch, D.S., Carrus, J., Wallach, M., Xu, Z., Xu, D., Dokras, N., Marquart, T., Winter, A., Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Advanced Vehicle Technologies, ASME IDETC/CIE, (2018) Quebec City, Quebec, Canada
Feasibility of a Clutchless Dual-Shaft Hybrid Transmission System for Performance Applications
Shah, S., Prost, V., Eubanks, Z., Reiter, P., Bondarchuk, D., Hua, Y., Dorsch, D. & Winter, A., 18th International Conference on Advanced Vehicle Technologies ASME IDETC/CIE (2016)
Design of a Clutch-Less Hybrid Transmission for a High-Performance Vehicle
Jurewicz, J., Pamanes, G., Jo, Y.S., Yen, P.X.T., Siegel, J.E., Jacoby, C.L., Dorsch, D., & Winter, A., Power Transmission and Gearing Conference, ASME IDETC/CIE (2015)
Design of High Performance Hybrid Transmissions
Dorsch, D., PhD Thesis (MIT, Sept 2019)
Dan Dorsch Graduate Winner of the Lemelson-MIT Student Prize